2020 Conference Session: The 3 R’s of Reparations

Reparations is a topic mired in misunderstanding and controversy. It creates discomfort. For some, an unexpected sense of animosity arises when it is discussed. This workshop is intended to provide an opportunity to talk about the issue of reparations on an intimate level, beyond stereotypical associations, and to dismantle myths often associated with the idea of reparations. Using the model of a three-legged stool, we will break down reparations into three Rs, exploring the importance of restoration, restitution, and reconciliation.

Presented by: The Rev. Canon Christine (Chris) L. McCloud is the Canon for Mission. Prior to her call to the Diocese of Maryland, she was the founder and Executive Director of Turning Point Community Services in Irvington NJ, an agency that provides emergency housing and supportive services to homeless women and children. Chris has spent nearly thirty years working in the not-for-profit sector in the development of special needs housing and job training programs for formerly incarcerated individuals. Coming from the Diocese of Newark, Chris was the Archdeacon for Administration and Formation, deacon-in-charge of Church of the Holy Innocents in W. Orange NJ and a spiritual advisor for the Diocese of NY Episcopal Cursillo program. She is also a veteran of the USAF where she was a Law Enforcement Specialist. Chris was honored as the Tactical Air Command’s Law Enforcement Specialist, 1st Term Airman of the Year in 1984.


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