Becoming Beloved Community Rapid Response Grants

Beloved Community Rapid Response Grants are available to support ministries addressing two forces ravaging communities of color: the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing racist violence and police brutality. This accelerated grant program was designed by the Presiding Officers’ Advisory Group on Beloved Community Implementation and approved by Executive Council, and it will distribute a total of $100,000.

Program criteria and applications are here. The deadline is rolling; applications will be considered as they come in, until August 15. Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded.

Please note: All proposed projects must demonstrate adherence to relevant local, diocesan and state public health guidelines for gathering and interaction. Don’t forget to check out the regularly updated set of resources for “Responding to Racist Violence and Police Brutality.” 


This Week: Examine Your Program Through a Justice Lens


United Thank Offering Grants: An Episcopal Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Local Contexts