Handling Negative Reviews & Comments Online

Caffeinated Church offers some tips and tricks for engaging (or not) with snarky, negative, hateful, or spam comments on social media or a review site:

Don’t ignore negative messages, especially on public platforms. Unless you are a church with thousands of negative comments and messages a day, you do not have the luxury of affording those comments going unnoticed or unacknowledged. This not only makes the commenter feel as if their experience and anger has gone unheard, but it makes visitors, church shoppers, and everyone else who can see that comment believe that you are trying to avoid confronting the issue and the person behind it. In this moment, everyone who can see the unacknowledged comment or message will begin to doubt your level of public engagement with your community.

Keep reading for three more tips here.


Job: Director of Program Ministries (Pecometh Methodist Camp and Retreat Ministries, Maryland)


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