2020 Conference Session: Retirement Readiness Workshop

Church Pension Group (CPG) is committed to helping lay employees prepare for retirement – even when the retirement date could be many years away! In this workshop, led by Larry Dresner, you will learn the concepts, strategies, tools, and resources to help your financial wellbeing. If you’re unsure of the when, how, and what of improving secure your financial future, this workshop can help!

Presented by Larry Dresner: Larry has been a financial planner for over 26 years and is a registered tax return preparer. He is an author, columnist, and speaker. His book is titled Personal Finance for Clergy. His articles have appeared in Financial Planning Magazine, the Journal of Practical Estate Planning, the Electronic Accountant, local newspapers, and web sites. He taught adult education courses and gave seminars at various seminaries in the New York City area. He served as a board member on his congregation's Executive Committee, Board of Trustees, and was the investment manager for their endowment fund. Larry is a member of several financial industry organizations including the Financial Planning Association (FPA) and National Association of Tax Professionals. (NATP).


2020 Conference Session: Utilizing an Interim Transition Ministry


2020 Conference Plenary: Parity & Equity in Pension Benefits, a Listening Session with Church Pension Group